Tuesday, 13 January 2015

V&A Museum London

During a college trip to the capital in London i had the opportunity to visit many interesting places, one of those places was the Victoria & Albert  Museum. During this trip it allowed me to see some primary sources of research on costume and clothing from a wide time period. below are a few images with a bief description of what they are and when they are and the time period they date from.   

 Figure 1
Figure 2

Images figure 1 and 2 are are of a 1755-60 court dress viewed from the back.
This type of dress was required and the french court for all royal assemblies and balls.
Due to the shape and sheer  width of the dress it was a challenge to negotiate things like door ways and carriages while trying to maintain a level of gracefulness. 

 Figure 3
 Figure 4

Figure 3&4 features a ball dress  C.1820-25 made of silk satin and silk net embroidered with metal and silk bobbin lace.

 Figures 5 & 6

Figure 7

Figure 5-7 feature a Regency style day dress C.1817-20 comprised of a Spencer,skirt and bodice. figure 7 is a  tailcoat waistcoat and under-waistcoat C. 1815-20. 

Figure 8 & 9

Figure 8 is a printed wool dress C. 1835-38 while figure 9 is a doll for the same era C. 1830 note the similar style dress worn with large puffed sleeves and pleated skirt.

Figure 12

Figure 10-12 features the 1940-50s style tailored fit. Note how Figure 11 is a utility style ladies suit cut to minimise fabric wastage and the use of the 4 buttons was the maximum allowance under the clothes rationing regulation during war time Britain.

The V&A Japanese Armour section 

Figure 13- 16 are a selection of Japanese Samurai Armour popular ago the Edo period of Japan. 

Images credited to the Victoria and Albert Museum London

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