Saturday, 4 October 2014

Basic draping work

Prior to starting my BA Hons degree in costume i had never attempted to create garments and patterns by means of draping on the stand below are three images showing my first attempt at draping a basic bodice.

I found there to be both good and bad points to draping, one of the good points was that it gives you more creative freedom to create your own shapes and style. 

The down side to this i found was you can only drape to the size of you tailors bust which would need to be sized up or down depending on the size you wanted to achieve. 
All in all it is a technique i would like you work more with and i expect i will throughout my degree and beyond.   


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

My trip to Bowes Museum September 2014

Back in September 2014 when i first started on the costume degree course at CCAD we took a trip to Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle but it was only later as i have progressed through the course that i have come to realise what a fabulous source of primary research this museum really is most notable their fashion section which displays a wide verity on fashion clothing through the centuries. in this post i have tried to put together a selection of pictures i had took while there.

Figure 1

Above figure 1 is the exterior of the museum it is housed in a large French design styled Victorian house the collection and the museum was collected but John & Joséphine Bowes and contains a vast collection of art work and artifacts. 

The images up loaded are mainly from the the fashion and costume collection housed at Bowes.

 Figure 2
 Figure 3
 Figure 4
 Figure 5
Figure 6

Figure 2-5 are depict a Victorian dress from 1863. It features a gored skirts over crinoline at the time this coat style dress was extremely fashionable. it was worn by Lady Hutt  the wife of John Bowes stepfather for the royal wedding of the then Prince of wales and Princess Alexandra of Denmark.

 Figure 7
 Figure 8
Figure 9

Figure 7 - 9 features a 1868  green silk walking dress

 Figure 10
 Figure 11

Figure 10-11 features a young boys dress, it was not uncommon for a male child to be put in a dress during the early years of childhood.

Figure 12 

Figure 12 is a Mans corset C.1840 at this time it was fashionable for both men and women to have a thin waistline as a result the use or need for a mans corset came about this corset By Henry Adcock features;Cotton sateen, linen canvas, suede leather lien twill tape, cording, metal springs, whalebone.

the corset has 36 metal springs for elasticity, it is laced up at the centre back and sides to allow for adjustment over the hips, also it features a buttoned up front to allow it to be put on or taken off without needing to adjust the lacing. 

Images credited to Bowes Museum
Newgate, Barnard Castle, County Durham DL12 8NP